Genesis 3:8,9
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
1 Chronicles 16:9-11
Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
Hello everyone,
I hope that you all have had a good week, and that you have been able to learn many things from God through situations and world around you.
As I continued to read my book about Sabbath this morning, and as I’ve been reading through Psalms, I realized that there is much for me to learn in the way of growing in relationship with God. What’s funny about it is that I’ve brought up many of the same points that I’m about to bring up in past Weekly’s.
As human beings, we are inherently called to be near the heart of God. We are designed and created to be in relationship with our heavenly Father, and with that in mind we have also been made in His image. He lovingly put formed us in the ‘unseen place’ spoken about in Psalm 139 and put His own breath into our bodies. Even in our rebellious sinful state, He saw it good to beckon us back to Him, call us out of the Garden, and make amends (oh sweet propitiation) with us through Jesus Christ’s blood. If God did not want a relationship with us, I really don’t think He would have done and continue to do so many things to invite us into His arms. Certainly we don’t deserve it. But then again, what is grace, if not that which is good and we do not deserve?
There is so much clutter in my life that often times God’s voice is crowded out. I know He’s there and I continue to talk with Him. I know that He’s speaking to me, but I can’t quite make out what He’s saying… It makes it difficult to continue to grow a relationship with Him, because my primary focus isn’t on Him. He’s kind of on the side-lines, in peripheral vision. But that isn’t where the Lord belongs.
If I determine to keep Jesus as the Lord of my life, having him out there on the side-lines is definitely not the place where He belongs. That would be like having the guest of honor sit along the side rather than at the head of the table. If you do a little word study of the general form of ‘lord,’ you find out a lot about Jesus Christ’s position as Lord: “a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master, chief, ruler, or king.” That sounds like someone I should be putting all of my focus and energy on… and we’re all called to see Jesus in this way, and submit to God the Father in the same way. By all means, as the Creator of everything I’d think He’s worthy of it.
What would help to put God in this position in our lives is prayer and frequent Bible study, and submitting to His way over our own way. It’s so good and so wonderful to cherish prayer and Bible study… sometimes we forget how good it really is and can be, and the Holy Spirit will stir us out of that slump.
Bringing it back the book I’m reading, spending time with God means being still before God and just simply acknowledging His presence and authority, His goodness and justice. As it would turn out, scheduling time with God is a form of acknowledging that all those things we feel like we have to take care of are going to be taken care of by God. He’s got it under control and we can set it before Him just like anything else in our lives. It’s not going to fall apart or explode without you.
I pray that we can each learn to be still before the Lord, acknowledging how great He is and how little we are. I also pray that the Holy Spirit would help us to be focused on developing our relationship with Him, and that He would also give us a hunger for that… a hunger that in some way would cause an inward ache and longing that we would be drawn closer. I also pray that we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, may encourage one another in prayer and in Scripture.
In love and in Him,
Your sister,
P.S. The book that I am currently reading is more of a devotional, called 'Sabbath Presence' by Kathleen Casey.