Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Psalm 43:3
Send forth Your light and Your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell.
Psalm 52:9
I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of the saints.
Hello everyone,
This past week and a half has been an interesting and busy time for me. It’s been over a week since the happenings at Virginia Tech, and my prayers continue to be with those affected by the tragedy. The rest of that week left me down trodden about the loss of life, not just at VT but in all the places in the world (including the city in which I live) where senseless violence occurs. I found myself in an interesting paradox, being frustrated with the violence that exists in the world and also knowing that there is a God in heaven that loves us. I don’t know why God allows certain things to happen the way they do, I just know that He doesn’t turn a blind eye to them. I had begun to be gripped by worry while trying to cling to the promises of God. When I find myself in that spot, where what I know and what I see collide, it hurts. I want to have faith with all that I have and it’s a fight to do that when the weight of the world seems to be dragging me down. I actually ended up crying in front of a friend in the middle of a coffee shop, and it was pretty embarrassing. However, as embarrassing as it was, it was also deeply needed.
Thankfully since that crying moment, the Lord has done some pretty awesome things to encourage me and see Him working in my life and in the lives of others. I pray that He has been working similarly in your own life through whatever it is you have been wrestling with (VT, personal/family life, etc). God is good. Through Psalms, the writers (especially David) continually speak about the troubles going on in the world around them or in their own lives; it would seem commonplace that they end on a note of praising God’s goodness or professing to trust in Him. God hears our cries against injustice and violence; He hears our cries when we are confused. He hears when we hurt and we’re angry about what is happening. God is a God who hears and sees, even though sometimes – perhaps more often than not – it doesn’t seem like it.
I pray that each of us are enabled by the Spirit to cling to truth and to what is good, although still acknowledging the terrible things that do happen in our world. I pray that we would not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good and faith and hope. May each of us express ourselves to God openly and honestly, in whatever anger, sorrow, confusion, joy, or praise that we feel. I ask that the Lord assure us that He hears us and is continuing to work in the world around us, in the lives of others, and in us.
In love and in Him,
Your sister,
P.S. Since I'm in the habit of doing this sometimes, I wanted to share a poem that I wrote in response to VT and all the senseless violence in the world...
"The Blood of Abel"
Unsettled and uneasy with heavy shoulders,
and graying out my sense of color,
this weight lingers just above me.
I struggle to decipher what I see
and what I know.
The underbelly of a beast
feels the ground protesting its feast,
where Abel cries out, desperate to be heard;
the seed of his life stolen by cruel birds.
All men suffer and all men die,
but this? this grips me inside
like tendrils loose enough to give me room,
yet entrapping me with a sense of gloom.
Is what we reap really what we sow?
I smell blood and death
yet know of glory's bredth-
This paradox arrests my thoughts;
is frustration all but naught?
In quiet buildings and classroom halls,
colors hide in corners, afraid of the Fall.
The sounds break silence and cut through more:
life doesn't soak into tile floors,
nor retreat its flow.
How long, O Lord,
must they die by the sword?
How long must time repeat the terrible?
I cannot stand the story of Abel.
Blood pleads, thick and drawing near,
"Why weren't you here?"
Why are there children of Cain?
When will you restore the slain?
Yet you do know.
This did not all go on unseen,
they aren't left alone, in need.
Help us to wait, O Lord,
for our hearts to be restored.
YB 07 4 18