Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Matthew 28:20 (after the great Commission)
"...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
I'm back from New Hampshire with my new husband, and ready to get back to ministry and living in Philadelphia. I'm going to miss those New England mountains though! Talk about being humbled by God's creation. Wow. At any rate, here's another way God humbled me this week:
I have never passed out before, or even came close to it; that is, I hadn't until this past weekend after getting back home. Combine some intense heat & humidity, some dehydration, plus walking up a flight of stairs and you get dangerously close to passing out. This is what I experienced with Scott just as we were about to get on our first roller coaster when visiting Six Flags. I felt dizzy and rather suddenly I couldn't see a thing - and since this has never happened to me before, I was really freaked out. Thankfully, Scott assured me many times saying, “I’m right here,” as he ushered me off of the roller coaster platform to get water and some food.
I was too busy trying to gain my bearings again to be embarrassed, though I felt bad because we were second in line to get on the coaster (which can be a big deal if you’d been waiting in line for an hour and a half). But the reason I bring the story up at all is because in retrospect it hits home to something I need to remember. For me, there are times when I feel like freaking out due to worry over money or what God is asking me to do or what the future is going to look like or am I doing a good job… etc. I worry is because I want to see what’s going to happen but I can’t. I don’t know what the future holds. This is when I need to go back to God’s promise that He is with me; He stays with those who follow Him, and He can be trusted. Scripturally, God assures us much in the same way Scott assured me: “I’m right here.” It’s true that we might not feel God’s hand with us when we’re very worried or unsure of what is happening around us. In fact, we might not even be aware of His presence at all; but He is there. There is nothing that can separate us from God (Romans 8:38,39). Because of God’s continual presence it’s a wonder that I worry at all, but just like the rest of us I have the tendency to focus on what I’m worried about way more than focusing on trusting that God is taking care of me. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, and I know we will need to remind each other of God’s presence in our lives and over our marriage; we’re not any less human together than when we were apart. Praise be to God for being so much greater than our fears or ourselves!
I pray that each of us holds onto this truth, that God is with us even when we cannot see; even when things are confusing, or we don’t know where God is calling us to go. I also pray that we make it a point to set aside time to pray during those times. The worst thing I can think of doing when I’m worried or confused is to pretend like I’m not and continue on with life. I pray for each of us that we don’t do that, but rather acknowledge that we need guidance and direction from our loving Father.
In love and in Him,
Your sister,
P.S. If anyone is wondering if my mailing address has changed since getting married, it has NOT. If you need my address, please email me to let me know!
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